Checking periodoically, have a rough plan in my head on what I got to do first, understanding the logic of codes, rather than copying and pasting without understanding the codes as much. When you take pieces of code everywher you will not be able to get it to work most of the time, becuase its another person’s code they understand what they are doing and what they did does not necessary reflec to what your project’s objective is.
Write down the comments first of what I need to do it works wonders, rather than having everything in your head. This works wonders if you’re doing multi validation or multiple lines of codes. Also to check peridoically prefeably every 7 or 10 lines of code that way you can narrow down you debugging process on what errors has occured.
Understanding the codes and the logic behind each code is way more important than knowing that this code works and copying it. For examples loops, loops has various condition you can program and if you don’t know the basic command or verbiage of a code for a parameter it can be really hard for you to create a loop since you can’t really find much online.
Labs help me understand code a bit better, rather than just the introduction in reading what the code is about, using them in actual project provides a clearer understanding why that specific is there and how it operates to fit the entire lab’s objective.
Assignment 1 do not overestimate your ability and time fram in completing it leave your self at least 5 days in leg room to finish it. It took me a couple hours just to plan out what kind of website and how should I implemented it with css and everything. Then comes the hard part with JS and validations as well as debugging.
Classes can improve in the following ways; having additional practice for the labs. Sometimes I find the labs helpful but not enough and I would often supplement the materials through W3 school and Stack overflow, to read and try to understand the code. Heads up Stack Overflow is normally for complex programing design and for you have a basic knowledge in understanding other peoples code immediately.
For me the WODS helped a bunch because it is timed I often find myself redoing it over and over again until I sufficiently one, understand what I’m doing, two getting practice over and over again allows me to explore what I’m struggling on the most or what took the most time for me to complete a certain task and I try improving on it.